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99 min, 2021, dir. Amit Desai
Documentary Feature
"A brash, voracious energy imbues this exhilarating work from artist-photographer Amit Desai. Working with a troupe of precocious thespians (many educated at MoMI’s nearby Frank Sinatra School of the Arts), Desai commingles ostensibly observational rehearsal footage, staged throughout New York’s public parks, with studio interviews where the performers reflect on personal traumas, class experiences, artistic ideals, and the confluence of their normal adolescent anxiety with the abnormal anxiety of an authoritarian moment. A self-reflexive documentary that tantalizingly evokes William Greaves’s Symbiopsychotaxiplasm: Take One, Cross Eyed offers an incandescent impression of New York’s restive youth on the cusp of the Floyd rebellion." ~Museum of the Moving Image
Read Chloe Lizotte's interview with director Amit Desai for Reverse Shot
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